====== DokuWiki as PKB ====== My thoughts on using DokuWiki as a PKB. ===== Syntax ===== Text formatting is simple enough --- what's one more markup format at this point? MathJax support was easy enough to add and behaves as expected. The same goes for the code syntax highlighting. Table syntax looks decently flexible for a variety of use cases. ===== Administration ===== As stated above, it's easy enough to add plugins and templates (themes). I like that the engine uses plain text files as storage. The [[Docker]] image ''[[https://docs.linuxserver.io/images/docker-dokuwiki|linuxserver/dokuwiki]]'' starts painlessly and (thanks to DokuWiki's plain text storage backend) requires no additional support containers. ===== Plugins ===== ==== MathJax ==== ==== Switch panel ==== ==== Graphviz ====