====== FT232H breakout ====== The FT232H breakout adds GPIO pins to any computer with USB. It's capable of I2C, SPI, UART serial, JTAG, and more [(ada_ft232h)]. {{ ::ft232h-breakout-pinout.jpg?400 |}} ^ Pin ^ GPIO ^ UART ^ I2C ^ SPI ^ | D0 | No | TX | SCL | SCLK | | D1 | No | RX | SDA | MOSI | | D2 | No | RTS (optional) | SDA | MISO | | D3 | No | CTS (optional) | | CS0 | | D4 | Yes | DTR (optional) | | | | D5 | Yes | DSR (optional) | | | | D6 | Yes | DCD (optional) | | | | D7 | Yes | | | | C0 | Yes | | C1 | Yes | | C2 | Yes | | C3 | Yes | | C4 | Yes | | C5 | Yes | | C6 | Yes | | C7 | Yes | ===== Usage ===== Out of the box, the board presents itself as a USB-to-UART converter. Connecting TX to RX and sending data with a serial console (screen or PuTTY) should echo typed characters to the screen. ===== References ===== [(ada_blinka>https://learn.adafruit.com/circuitpython-on-any-computer-with-ft232h)] [(ada_circuitpython>https://learn.adafruit.com/circuitpython-on-raspberrypi-linux)] [(ada_ft232h>https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-ft232h-breakout)] [(docs_blinka>https://docs.circuitpython.org/projects/blinka/en/latest/)] [(docs_circuitpython>https://docs.circuitpython.org/en/latest/docs/index.html)]