====== Altair 8800 Lisp ====== Lisp is great, and so is the [[:histcomp:Altair 8800]]. Why not combine pleasures? ===== Purpose ===== Systems programming is a fascinating exercise, but doing so on modern computers is difficult. Early personal computers such as the [[:histcomp:Apple II]] or [[:histcomp:Altair 8800]] are much more accessible targets. Combining this with our recent interest in Lisp, we have decided to implement a dialect of Lisp on an Altair. We hope to use this project to gain a greater understanding and appreciation of each. ===== Existing work ===== ==== Turtles Lisp (a2lisp) ==== ===== Design ===== For our implementation, we will be using the Altair configuration most readily available to us: the [[:histcomp:Altair-Duino]]. Ours has one SIO, two 2SIOs, an ACR, and a full 64K RAM with no ROMs mapped. ===== Resources ===== * [[gh>ghosthamlet/awesome-lisp-machine]] * [[gh>hausdorff/turtles]]: a Lisp implementation for the [[:histcomp:Apple II]] * [[https://dmitryfrank.com/articles/lisp_on_mcu|Let's Run Lisp on a Microcontroller]], Dmitry Frank' * [[https://github.com/technoblogy/tiny-lisp-computer/tree/master|Tiny Lisp Computer]] * [[http://www.ulisp.com/|uLisp]]