====== Altair-Duino ====== ===== Background ===== ===== Kit assembly ===== ===== Operation ===== ===== Expansion cards ===== There are several card designs available at [[gh>dhansel/Altair8800-IOBus]]. The ones I'm most interested in building are the [[https://github.com/dhansel/Altair8800-IOBus/tree/main/06-cassette-interface|88-ACR]] and the [[https://github.com/dhansel/Altair8800-IOBus/tree/main/09-spi-i2c|SPI/I2C card]]. The former is available in kit form (though out of stock as of this writing) from [[https://adwaterandstir.com/product/cassette-interface-kit/|Adwater & Stir]], while we will be on our own for the latter.