====== Make Noise 0-Coast ====== {{ :sounds:0-coast.png?350|}} A single-voice semi-modular synthesizer. Pronounced "zero coast", "oh coast", or "no coast", the name derives from its loyalty-free blend of both East and West Coast synthesis techniques. ===== Patch notes =====
digraph G { timing [label="Timing", shape="box"]; dyn [label="Dynamics", shape="box"]; vm [label="Voltage maths", shape="box"]; osc [label="Oscillator", shape="box"]; slope [label="Slope", shape="box"]; slope -> dyn [taillabel="slope", headlabel="dyn"]; slope -> timing [taillabel="EOC", headlabel="tempo"]; timing -> vm [taillabel="S+H", headlabel="attenuverter"]; vm -> osc [headlabel="1 V/Oct"]; vm -> slope [headlabel="time"]; } Krell patch
===== Resources ===== * {{ manuals:0-coast.pdf |Manual}} {{tag>eurorack oscillator lfo midi}}