====== Eurorack 1 ======
My first Eurorack setup, nearing completion ([[https://www.modulargrid.net/e/racks/view/2111368|view on ModularGrid]]). Working title is BFE (Babby's First Eurorack).
As much as I wanted a Tiptop Audio Mantis case, I couldn't wait any longer and went for an Arturia RackBrute 6U instead. It's a perfectly fine starter case, and I can always double up later if when I need more room. Interestingly, I have somehow managed to overshoot the width by 1 HP on both rows. It's a little tight, but everything still fits.
The Listen module produces an awful hum on both outputs, even when their levels are completely down. I thought it was poor noise filtering on a power header, but it has returned since disappearing briefly. I've ruled out proximity to the DATA and my desk lamp's USB power supply as possible causes. More experimentation is necessary.
===== Modules =====
Add pages for the rest of the current modules.
* [[Pip Slope]]
* [[Mum M8]]
* [[Forbidden Planet]]
* [[AI008]]
* [[Steppy]]
* [[Permutation]]
* [[Nautilus]]
* [[Pico Drums]]
* [[Maestro]]
* [[Bard Quartet]]
* [[Stmix]]
* [[Twiigs]]
* [[Rez]]
* [[Chance]]
* [[Looping Delay]]
* [[Ensemble Oscillator]]
* [[TAZM-O]]
---- datatable ----
cols: %title%, width, depth, 12v, -12v, 5v, type
headers: Module, Width, Depth, Current (12V), Current (-12V), Current (5V), Functions
filter: rack=BFE