It's that time again, time to make questionable predictions for the year. Any that come true should be highlighted like so and cited.
B | I | N | G | O | |
1 | Mom gets high…and likes it | MH370 flight recorder(s) found | Seastrings LP | New -gate term enters the public consciousness | Loan forgiveness program is upheld |
2 | My savings account hits \$20K | A popular blockchain hard forks | ORDOC facility closure | Twitter completely implodes | Extremely stupid disaster movie (think Sharknado) |
3 | Umpqua lemon bar ice cream now available year-round | I get to play a good game of Catan | I go on a hot date (free space)[1] | Emmett says something inappropriate at school (“hail Satan” counts) | Trump is indicted by the DOJ |
4 | Shelly Miscavige reappears in public (in any form) | Streaming service merger | Banana shortage | Space billionaire becomes human firework | Tide Pod challenge successor [2] |
5 | Stayton Taco Bell closes permanently | Oil spill in the Gulf | In-N-Out opens/announces another Oregon location | Mediocre new entry to a major franchise | Emmett's hamster dies |