Table of Contents

Anti-Intellectualism in American Life

titleAnti-Intellectualism in American Life

It's amazing to realize that Hofstadter was writing about a time now more than 60 years past; many of the issues he discusses feel lifted straight out of today's political climate. In this book, he highlights various strands of American hostility to intellect and intellectuals, arguing that this feature is deeply entrenched in the American identity.

subjectshistory, politics

It's amazing to realize that Hofstadter was writing about a time now more than 60 years past; many of the issues he discusses feel lifted straight out of today's political climate. In this book, he highlights various strands of American hostility to intellect and intellectuals, arguing that this feature is deeply entrenched in the American identity.


Chapter notes

Bear in mind while working through this book that Hofstadter was something of a centrist interested in moving academic discourse away from materialism and toward psychoanalysis.

Anti-intellectualism in Our Time

On the Unpopularity of Intellect

The Evangelical Spirit

Evangelicalism and the Revivalists

The Revolt against Modernity

The Decline of the Gentleman

The Fate of the Reformer

The Rise of the Expert

Business and Intellect

Self-help and Spiritual Technology

Variations on a Theme

The School and the Teacher

The Road to Life Adjustment

The Child and the World

The Intellectual: Alienation and Conformity


When reading Hofstadter's work, it is easy to forget that he was writing in a time now 60 years past. So many of his observations feel lifted straight out of today's discourse. Take the following definition of “egghead” offered by a right-wing writer:

a person of spurious intellectual pretensions…Fundamentally superficial. Over-emotional and feminine in reactions to any problem…surfeited with conceit and contempt for the experiences of more sound and able men…A doctrinaire supporter of Middle-European socialism as opposed to Greco-French-American ideas of democracy and liberalism…A self-conscious prig, so given to examining all sides of a question that he becomes thoroughly addled while remaining always in the same spot. An anemic bleeding heart.

It bears a striking resemblance to the 2010s pejorative “special snowflake”: the anti-feminine posture, the contempt for alternative viewpoints, the empty contrast of socialism and democracy. This is hardly the only example. The McCarthyist witch hunts play a prominent role, as do evangelical Christian movements dating back to the First Great Awakening of the 1730s. It is painful to realize that many of the nation's prejudices have not shifted much in the intervening decades.

It is precisely that stability of attitudes that Hofstadter sets out to examine. Deeply embedded within the American identity lies a powerful faith in the omnicompetent layman. As time has pulled us further into modernity, however, that faith has drifted further and further from reality while remaining largely intact.

Indeed, faith was the first arena for American anti-intellectualism.