A two-channel fractal sequencer. Each channel starts with a user-programmed sequence (up to 32 steps), then algorithmically generates new sequences based on that one. As is typical for Qu-Bit modules, most parameters for the active channel can be controlled with CV.
It's possible to use Bloom as a quantizer for external CV. Select the desired scale, drop the sequence to one step, set that step to the scale's root note, and patch the signal to be quantized into the Shift input (knob at 0). Bloom can also emulate a Music Thing Turing Machine—start with a sequence of any desired length, set Branches to 0, and adjust the Mutate control to taste.
Occasionally, the gate/clock outputs will be screwy, repeating or skipping one. Likewise, channel outputs seem to become less interesting once they become inactive. Since this seems to happen more often with more branches, my suspicion is that the microcontroller fails to keep up with the demand. It's also possible that the latter issue is imagined on my part, as the inactive channel does not respond to CV.