
This is an old revision of the document!

Things to look into

A scrapbook of junk I'd eventually like to get around to examining.

  • A History of the Roman People
  • The Religion of American Greateness, supposedly a discussion of Christian nationalism, possibly with some spice
  • Roughest Draft (Wibberley & Broka)
  • The Gender Creative Child: Pathways for Nurturing and Supporting Children Who Live Outside Gender Boxes (Ehrensaft & Spack)
  • It Came from the Closet: Queer Reflections on Horror (Vallese, Machado, Grimm)
  • Motherthing (Hogarth)
  • Wash Day Diaries (Rowser & Smith)
  • The Darkening (Mara)
  • Dirtbag, Massachusetts: A Confessional (Fitzgerald)
  • The Stonewall Reader (White)
  • Keeping Two (Crane)
  • The Drowned Woods (Lloyd-Jones)
  • The Wild Hunt (Seckel)
  • The Lambda Calculus, Its Syntax and Semantics
  • The Areas of My Expertise, a satirical almanac by John Hodgson
  • Overground Railroad (Taylor)
  • American Racism: LGBT Pride in an Alt-Right America (Justice)
  • Naomi Novik
  • James W. Loewen
  • Rabbits (Miles)
  • Make America Meme Again: The Rhetoric of the Alt-Right (Woods & Hahner)
  • Terraform (short story collection)
  • Orange World (Karen Russell)
  • The Recording Engineer's Handbook (Owinski)
  • Heretics (Jonathan Wright)
  • Computer in Crisis
  • What's the Matter with Kansas? (Frank)
  • The Revolution Will Not Be Funded: Beyond the Nonprofit Industrial Complex
  • On Thermonuclear War
  • The Horror of Police (Linnemann)
  • Supermob (Russo)
  • Film Adaptation & Its Discontents (Leitch)
  • Negroes with Guns (Williams)
  • My Life in the Black Panther Party (Cox)
  • Black against Empire (Waldo & Bloom)
  • Look for Me in the Whirlwind (Panther)
  • Assata (Shakur)
  • The Origin of Satan (Pagels)
  • A Delusion of Satan (Hill)
  • How to Blow Up a Pipeline (Malm)
  • The Black Pill (Preston, Halpin, & Maguire)
  • Bright-Sided: How Positive Thinking Is Undermining America (Ehrenreich)
  • Behind the Fence: Buying and Selling Stolen Merchandise (Johns & Hayes)
  • The Case Against Autogynephilia (Serano)
  • Autogynephilia in Women (Moser?)
  • This is My America
  • Oxford Textbook of Correctional Psychiatry
  • Blame! (Nihei)
  • Duck in a Raincoat, a book about the founder of the Élan School
  • A Tolkien Bestiary (Day)
  • books on early Christianity
  • It's Not You, It's Capitalism (Jabali)
  • The Arms of Krupp (Manchester)
  • The Global Impact of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion: A Century-Old Myth
  • Triangle: The Fire That Changed America (Drehle)
  • Mothers of Massive Resistance: White Women and the Politics of White Supremacy (McRae)
  • War Is a Racket (Butler)
  • Infinite Jest (Wallace)
  • White Noise (DeLillo)
  • The Men Who Stare at Goats (Ronson)
  • Seduction of the Innocent (Wertham) — a book from 1954 about how comic books are destroying the innocent youth
  • Alice in Borderland (Aso)
  • Brandon Sanderson
  • Paved Paradise: How Parking Explains the World (Grabar)
  • The Other Me (Jeng)
  • Dark Matter (Crouch)
  • The Turn of the Key (Ware)
  • A Paradise Built in Hell (Solnit); maybe also look into her other books
  • Tribe (Junger)
  • My Heart Is a Chainsaw (Jones)
  • Absolute Erotic, Absolute Grotesque (Driscoll — not the Mark Driscoll you're thinking)
  • Bartleby, the Scrivener (Melville)
  • A Canticle for Leibowitz (Miller)
  • Ponzinomics (FitzPatrick)
  • So You Want to Talk about Race (Oluo)
  • Seeing like a State (Scott)
  • Satan's Silence (Nathan & Snedeker)
  • The Brothers (Kinzer)
  • The Functions of Role-Playing Games (Bowman)
  • In the Shadow of the Moons (Hong): Hong's memoir of her time as Sun Myung Moon's daughter-in-law
  • The New Prophets of Capital (Aschoff)
  • Inside the League (AndersonN)
  • The Second Coming of the KKK (Gordon)
  • Platform Capitalism (Srnicek)
  • Dark Money (Mayer)
  • The Prisoner in His Palace (Bardenwerper)
  • The Prankster and the Conspiracy (Gorightly)
  • Pox: An American History (Willrich)
  • Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar (Montefiore)
  • Principia Discordia
  • Maus (Spiegelman)
  • Blackshirt (Dorril)
  • Hurrah for the Blackshirts! (Pugh)
  • First Peoples: Populating the Planet
  • Operation Mindfuck
  • Deep South: A Social Anthropological Study of Caste and Class (Davis & Gardner)
  • Invisible Man (Ellison)
  • Out of Bounds: What Happened to the Yuba County Five? (Beeson)
  • Flight 7 Is Missing: The Search for My Father's Killer (Fortenberry)
  • The Boys on the Tracks (Leveritt)
  • Quackery (Kang & Pederssen)
  • A Peace to End All Peace (Fromkin)
  • -Isms and -Ologies (Goldwag)
  • The Sleepwalkers (Clark)
  • The Pink Triangle (Plant)
  • Systematic Training for Effective Parenting
  • Florence Bernault
  • The Liberian Civil Wars (Charles River Editors)
  • Holy Rollers (McCracken)
  • The Bluest Eye
  • Fingersmith
  • An Ember in the Ashes
  • Asian Labor in the Wartime Japanese Empire
  • look_into.1702581786.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023-12-14 19:23
  • by asdf