The Elements of Computing Systems, 2ed
readinglist | |
author | Nisan & Schocken |
status | reading |
subjects | computing, ee, programming |
- asm.lark
%import common.WS %import common.CPP_COMMENT %import common.INT %import common.WORD %ignore WS %ignore CPP_COMMENT start: (LABEL | ainstr | cinstr)* LABEL: "(" WORD ")" ainstr: "@" SYMBOL SYMBOL: WORD | INT | "R" "0".."15" | "SP" | "LCL" | "ARG" | "THIS" | "THAT" | "KBD" | "SCREEN" cinstr: (DEST "=")? COMP (";" JUMP)? // not satisfied with this; could it be cleaner? DEST: "A" "D"? "M"? | "A"? "D" "M"? | "A"? "D"? "M" JUMP: "JGT" | "JEQ" | "JGE" | "JLT" | "JNE" | "JLE" | "JMP"
- vm.lark
%import common.WS %import common.CPP_COMMENT %import common.INT %import common.SIGNED_INT %ignore WS %ignore CPP_COMMENT start: (stackop | arithop)* stackop: (PUSH|POP) SEGMENT INDEX PUSH: "push" POP: "pop" arithop: ADD | SUB | NEG | EQ | GT | LT | AND | OR | NOT ADD: "add" SUB: "sub" NEG: "neg" EQ: "eq" GT: "gt" LT: "lt" AND: "and" OR: "or" NOT: "not" SEGMENT: "argument" | "local" | "static" | "constant" | "this" | "that" | "pointer" | "temp" INDEX: INT