
CDDA Linux Launcher

a Linux launcher for CDDA

At the very least, I desire a means to automatically update my CDDA installation on Linux. Ideally I'd like to mimic the functionality of the Windows launcher.

We can pull release data from the GitHub API (https://api.github.com/repos/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/releases). The relevant fields in the resulting JSON are:

  • .[n]: (n+1)th most recent release
    • .name
    • .published_at
    • .tag_name
    • .target_commitish
    • .prerelease
    • .body (markdown text)
    • .assets[i]
      • .name (includes platform and graphics)
      • .browser_download_url
      • .content_type

The general flow could be:

  1. pull release endpoint
  2. show release info
  3. prompt user for release to install (config graphics/sound)
  4. download & extract files
  5. copy files to install directory
  6. adjust symlinks as necessary

Configuration and installation data can be stored under ~/.config/cllr.

  • rnd/projects/cllr.txt
  • Last modified: 2023-01-16 23:49
  • by asdf