
Eurorack 1

My first Eurorack setup, nearing completion (view on ModularGrid). Working title is BFE (Babby's First Eurorack).

As much as I wanted a Tiptop Audio Mantis case, I couldn't wait any longer and went for an Arturia RackBrute 6U instead. It's a perfectly fine starter case, and I can always double up later if when I need more room. Interestingly, I have somehow managed to overshoot the width by 1 HP on both rows. It's a little tight, but everything still fits.

The Listen module produces an awful hum on both outputs, even when their levels are completely down. I thought it was poor noise filtering on a power header, but it has returned since disappearing briefly. I've ruled out proximity to the DATA and my desk lamp's USB power supply as possible causes. More experimentation is necessary.

ModuleWidthDepthCurrent (12V)Current (-12V)Current (5V)Functions
Doepfer A-1484HP30mm20mA20mA0mAS+H, T+H
Bastl Instruments Aikido11HP24mm120mA120mA0mAVCA, mixer, envelope follower
Qu-Bit Electronix Bloom16HP82mA0mA0mAsequencer, random, quantizer
Mordax DATA16HP35mm250mA60mA0mAoscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, signal generator
Expert Sleepers Disting ExHPmmmAmAmA
Tiptop Audio MISO10HP42mm55mA55mA0mAmixer, attenuverter, offset
Mutable Instruments Plaits12HP25mm50mA5mA0mAoscillator
ALM Busy Circuits Pamela's Pro WorkoutHPmmmAmAmAclock, LFO
4MS Quad Pingable LFO12 HPmmmAmAmALFO
4ms Spherical Wavetable Navigator26HP25mm185mA30mA0mAoscillator, lfo, stereo, polyphonic, wavetable
  • sounds/eurorack_1.txt
  • Last modified: 2023-07-29 01:50
  • by asdf